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Pro-Choice vs. Pro-Life

Abortion is an ongoing debate and especially in the USA.

​This has created a separation of the American people. On one side the Choice movement is fighting for abortion and calling it a woman's right, where the Pro Life movement is self claimed advocates for the fetus' right.  

In the debate, no matter which side you are on, there are two common denominators, Planned Parenthood and Guttmacher. However the opinions towards these two institutes differs from what ever side you are on and where ever you are on the map the actors have taken a stand either for one side or the other.




Main Characters

The Little guys Story




Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood provides healthcare for women and though they aim to maintain a neutral stand in the abortion debate, they played a major role in the latest presidential election. Even though they only spend 6 % of time on abortion and it is not a funded procedure, Planned Parenthood is still one of the largest players in the abortion debate. 


The institute is a the leading american provide health research and abortion statistics. They seek to remain neutral, however since they receive funding from the Government, therefore some pro-life activists believe they numbers  are wrong, hence arguing for the pro-choice movement

The Radical Groups

Jane Roe

The law maker and now a Pro life advocate. Interesting that the creator of the abortion law now is working against it

The Pro-Life movement is a group of self claimed advocates for the unborn fetus and they use emotional tools to get their message through. The you are a person with a soul from conception until the natural death.

The Pro-Choice movement  fight for the existence of the Roe V. Wade saying it is essential in ensuring safe abortions, because abortions will take place, law or no law. 

The word used in the abortion debate varies depending on which side the arguments are from. Furthermore attention are paid differently from each side; pro choice on the sexual education and pro life on the rights of a fetus.


Sex education is one of the major concerns of the Choice community. If women and children in general know how to behave and handle themselves in sexual encounters, unintended pregnancies would be avoided 

Sex educations

Sex vs Abstinence

Several female and feminist bloggers have strong opinions when it comes to whether the government should decide or have influence on ones sexual behaviors and choices. If the only solution to lowering unintended abortions is abstinence, the plan will fail.


The Abortion Mill


Summers can be spent on a summer camp held by the Survivor movement where teenagers learn the correct language used in the abortion debate. An abortion clinic is an abortion mill, because they charge for abortions, a fetus is an unborn baby and they are an army of passionate young people against abortions. 

The Pro-life movement, does surprisingly enough care about life. Their focus however if on the fetus, which they fight for, because it lacks a voice. 

The Pro Life Facebook debate illustrating the common opinion regarding anti-abortion. It is shown that a few actors are active in the debate on these particular groups; Abortion is murder and Abortion truth. The actors dominating the debate are not prominent in the official political debate. There are mainly average Joe with a strong opinion but not organized in a formal organization. 

Wikipedia mapping


Philosophy,ethics and moral

Wiki category: abortion

Genetics and Biology

Anti-abortion movement

Wiki debate: abortion

Woman's rights movement

The wiki language indicates the origin and opinion of the editors. Here the Pro-life movement is called anti-abortion and Pro Choice are women's right. This jargon is usually used by the Pro Choice movement, the Pro-life would never called themselves anti-abortion. 

Anti-abortion movement

Women's rights movement

What is interesting is that both parties link to philosophy and when investigating the node it is shown that Aristoteles influences the sides. The explanation could be that he developed a theory where the fetus at 40 days would receive a soul; ensoulment. Some movements have chosen this as their guidance for the time until when abortion should be legal. 

In addition the two areas are discussed by the main cluster, where the various countries is represented and the wiki debate underneath the big cluster. 

Debating from bloggers online are heated and their are passionate abort their cause. The Wordcloud is drawn from feminist bloggers, funding of abortion organizations, women's right movements and, which are a side where doctors who preform abortions anonymously sign up in the abortion war.

The word to this cloud is formed from anti-abortion bloggers and Pro life movements.

Wikipedia sites all origin from the category: Abortion. The areas are mushy and intertwined, therefore a complete separation of the groups is difficult. However some tendencies were shown which the headlines below illustrate. 

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